Food For Thought...

If the Met finds itself in a situation of lack of funds, how does this affect us? Surely they will try to maintain their current level of performances and their standard of artistry, but how would this affect us? I have been thinking, and one possible scenario is almost impossible to imagine. Since their Saturday afternoon broadcasts are offered to a broad radio audience for free, and remember this important detail, it seems to me that any advisor would counsel them to abolish this practice of offering free performances to a public that does not contribute to the budget of the company. It would be a sore economic practice to do otherwise if they intend to keep all of their other initiatives operating.

Hopefully, this never has to happen because this would spell doom for me since I cannot merely attend a Metropolitan Opera performance any time I wish, nor can I support them every time they release another Live in HD simulcast to cinemas. There is a Save the Met Broadcasts campaaign currently underway, but one wonders how effective this fund would be to preserve our beloved source of opera which Congress has deemed a national treasure, or for how long it could support the broadcasts.



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