Hopefully In The Near Future
Though I do not have much time to post something of relevance at the present, I thought my readers might like to know of some of the things I have planned for the near future. To begin I am considering changing the layout of my blog page if the new customize features are all that Blogger In Draft has said that they are, and I think that I should like to enroll in the Amazon Associates program by which one can earn commissions on all of the products they reference and link in their posts that people buy. If I actually do this, I would provide links to opera CD's, DVD's, and books that my readership might enjoy, and the wonderful part is that, if you purchase items through my links, I would receive a fifteen percent commission from every product that they procure through my links. Of course, if I have any fellow bloggers who have products in which I should be interested linked in their posts, I should be inclined to help them earn revenue in reciprocation.
In the world of opera, I have learned a few exciting things, which I shall presently divulge to you. First, I must say that I am anxious to hear Marlis Petersen in the role of Ophelie in Ambroise Thomas's Hamlet from the Met this Saturday. I have heard it said that she will do as fine of a portrayal as Natalie Dessay should have done, but since I have never heard her sing before, I shall wait to hear her prior to making an assessment. Related to Hamlet is the interview with Simon Keenlyside, who portrays the protagonist in the broadcast, in this month's issue of Opera News where he recalls an anecdote about one of the original cast members inquiring as to whether or not it would be possible for Mr. Thomas to lower an aria an half step. Mr. Thomas allegedly replied that he would not do it because everyone else could sing it if he did.
It also turns out that Renee Fleming is going to present her portrayal of Rossini's Armida at the Met next season in addition to this one. I am pleasantly surprised by that revelation, and I am making plans to visit New York City during that run of performances to see it and to visit with some acquaintances of mine who reside there. Because she is such an excellent singer and loves to please her audiences, she is also singing Richard Strauss's Capriccio next season at the Met, and this promises to be a most memorable run of performances. If it is half as good as the 2005 production on DVD from the Opera National de Paris, then I will thoroughly enjoy it.
Frederica von Stade is retiring this year, and this is rather a sad thing to report, for she is such an enjoyable performer to hear and observe, and to many her performances of Cherubino are the standard by which others are measured. I had the chance to see her perform a couple of years ago, but I went to see a performance of the national touring production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera instead, and, given the circumstances, it was just as well, for had I chosen to see Frederica von Stade, it would have turned out that I should not have been able to do so. I adore her voice, which I think is best presented in her Mozart and Haydn recordings.
Finally, I must tell my readers that I am auditioning for Poteet's production of High School Musical, which shall be staged for four weekends this summer. I hope to apprehend a role instead of being placed in the chorus, but this is not exactly my type of musical. I am actually doing it because I am aching to perform again, and the director, who happens to be my employer and a very good friend of mine, has told me that I must do it because he requires male adolescents who have strong voices, so naturally he asks me to do it, which is not a conceited remark to exhibit my unproven singing abilities. As of now, and the auditions are April 10, 2010, I merely hope that I am paired with people with whom I have developed a good rapport. I am looking forward to it.
Thank you for continuing to peruse my posts, and I pray that God continues to bless all of you immensely.
In the world of opera, I have learned a few exciting things, which I shall presently divulge to you. First, I must say that I am anxious to hear Marlis Petersen in the role of Ophelie in Ambroise Thomas's Hamlet from the Met this Saturday. I have heard it said that she will do as fine of a portrayal as Natalie Dessay should have done, but since I have never heard her sing before, I shall wait to hear her prior to making an assessment. Related to Hamlet is the interview with Simon Keenlyside, who portrays the protagonist in the broadcast, in this month's issue of Opera News where he recalls an anecdote about one of the original cast members inquiring as to whether or not it would be possible for Mr. Thomas to lower an aria an half step. Mr. Thomas allegedly replied that he would not do it because everyone else could sing it if he did.
It also turns out that Renee Fleming is going to present her portrayal of Rossini's Armida at the Met next season in addition to this one. I am pleasantly surprised by that revelation, and I am making plans to visit New York City during that run of performances to see it and to visit with some acquaintances of mine who reside there. Because she is such an excellent singer and loves to please her audiences, she is also singing Richard Strauss's Capriccio next season at the Met, and this promises to be a most memorable run of performances. If it is half as good as the 2005 production on DVD from the Opera National de Paris, then I will thoroughly enjoy it.
Frederica von Stade is retiring this year, and this is rather a sad thing to report, for she is such an enjoyable performer to hear and observe, and to many her performances of Cherubino are the standard by which others are measured. I had the chance to see her perform a couple of years ago, but I went to see a performance of the national touring production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera instead, and, given the circumstances, it was just as well, for had I chosen to see Frederica von Stade, it would have turned out that I should not have been able to do so. I adore her voice, which I think is best presented in her Mozart and Haydn recordings.
Finally, I must tell my readers that I am auditioning for Poteet's production of High School Musical, which shall be staged for four weekends this summer. I hope to apprehend a role instead of being placed in the chorus, but this is not exactly my type of musical. I am actually doing it because I am aching to perform again, and the director, who happens to be my employer and a very good friend of mine, has told me that I must do it because he requires male adolescents who have strong voices, so naturally he asks me to do it, which is not a conceited remark to exhibit my unproven singing abilities. As of now, and the auditions are April 10, 2010, I merely hope that I am paired with people with whom I have developed a good rapport. I am looking forward to it.
Thank you for continuing to peruse my posts, and I pray that God continues to bless all of you immensely.
While I am elated to relate the news to you, I hope that you are just as joyous as I am, for I am scheduling a trip to your city of residence with a dear friend of mine to see Armida next year. Of course, unless my plans are drastically altered due to some unfortunate dilemma that takes place in the interim, this brings me great hopes of finally making your charming personal acquaintance, so I hope that something can be arranged while I am there. As of now, my friend and I are planning to stay there for a week, which creates all sorts of fantastic ideas in one's mind, and we shall be visiting some acquaintances while we are there, but we shall have ample time for entertainment during our holiday. In any case I am sure that it will be a most enjoyable experience for me.